Depression is a disorder that affects 17% of the population at some point in their lives. It is usually associated with symptoms that lead to a reduction in social roles and increased mortality.
The most commonly used treatments for depression are antidepressants or a combination of medication and psychotherapy, but many of these prescribed drugs cause unwanted side effects.
So, how can we fight this hidden enemy naturally?
Regular physical exercise has been shown to reduce depression by stimulating the production of endorphins.
St. John's Wort appears to be effective, although the possible interactions between herbs and medications are not yet clear.
Acupuncture may offer health benefits for motivated patients; however, it seems to have little effect on depression.
Dietary advice:
- Follow a Mediterranean diet low in glycemic load (GL) and rich in B vitamins, particularly folate, which you can find in legumes, nuts, and many fruits and dark green vegetables.
- Include sources of Omega-3 and Alpha-Linolenic Acid, such as oily fish (Anchovies, Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines), flaxseeds, walnuts, and reduce all refined sugars.
- Reduce stimulants like coffee, alcohol, refined sugars, energy drinks, and illicit drugs, which can trigger anxiety and make it difficult to sleep at night.
- Increase tryptophan (a precursor of serotonin, the happiness hormone) in your diet: Turkey, Chicken, Tuna.
- Reduce saturated/trans fats in your diet.
- Identify any nutritional deficiencies, especially precursors or cofactors for neurotransmitter production: magnesium, B vitamins, tryptophan, vitamin C, glutamine, biotin, tyrosine.
- Maintain protein needs (0.8 x 1 kg of body weight) and the correct proportion of essential and non-essential amino acids.
- Look for underlying drivers and, if necessary, provide support (adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, drug use, etc.).
Lifestyle advice:
- Introduce stress management techniques such as meditation and breathing techniques.
- Ensure you get enough sleep.
- Use tools such as journaling, walking in nature, exercising, and getting massages to relax.
- Consider psychotherapy and other behavioral therapies, the standard treatment for depression.
That’s all for now!
See you soon!
Chiara (
Photo author: Joshua Rawson Harris | Thanks: Unsplash