October 21, 2024



Magnesium. What is it and what are its health benefits?

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about Magnesium, its health benefits, and how the body can’t work properly without it, but let’s see in detail what it is, which its health benefits, and what you can do in case of deficiency.

Magnesium is an essential mineral. The term essential is used for any vitamin or mineral that the body cannot produce or synthesize on its own. So, your body cannot produce magnesium. The magnesium your body needs to function must come from outside sources.

Which are the health benefits?

Studies have shown that healthy levels of magnesium can

  • enhance the quality of sleep
  • alleviate symptoms of pre-menstrual stress
  • boost exercise performance
  • prevent fall and fracture
  • reduce blood pressure
  • prevent migraines
  • improve blood sugar
  • help fight against depression and anxiety

Which are the sources?

  • Nuts: Includes almonds, cashews, and brazil nuts. 28g cashew nuts contain 82mg magnesium.
  • Avocados: One medium avocado contains 58mg magnesium.
  • Legumes: These include chickpeas, black beans, lentils, kidney beans, and soya beans. One cup of black beans has 120mg of magnesium.
  • Tofu: 100g of tofu serves 53mg of magnesium.
  • Whole grains: Examples are quinoa, oats, wheat, and buckwheat. One cup of cooked quinoa is equivalent to 118mg magnesium.
  • Seeds: These include flaxseeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. A 28g serving of pumpkin seeds has 150mg magnesium.
  • Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and halibut. 178g of salmon (half a fillet) contains 53mg magnesium.
  • Bananas: One large banana contains 37mg magnesium.
  • Leafy greens: These are spinach, watercress, kale, and chard. One cup serving spinach has 157mg magnesium.
  • Leafy greens: These are spinach, watercress, kale, and chard. One cup serving spinach has 157mg magnesium.

What are the signs that you can be deficient?

Common signs of magnesium deficiency include muscle twitches, tremors, and cramps, depression, anxiety. Magnesium deficiency is also a risk factor for osteoporosis and bone fractures thought many other factors can contribute to it, it can also raise blood pressure and cause irregular heartbeat.

If, despite your diet, you are still deficient what can you do?

Though it’s possible to get adequate amounts of this mineral from your diet, taking a supplement may be helpful if you struggle to meet your needs through food or if you’re deficient.

Taking a magnesium supplement and correcting a deficiency has been linked to health benefits. These include a lower risk of conditions like heart disease and improved blood pressure, mood, and blood sugar control.

Magnesium supplements are generally considered safe. However, you should speak to your healthcare provider before taking these supplements if you have a health condition or are taking any medications.

How much should you take?

The recommended dose is between 200-400 mg per day, the tolerable upper limit for supplemental magnesium is 350 mg per day however, as everyone is different and unique, your body may absorb some forms of magnesium better than others.

Are there different forms of Magnesium available?

Magnesium supplements come in a variety of forms, some of which your body can absorb better than others.

Types of this mineral that are better absorbed include:

  • Magnesium citrate
  • Magnesium lactate
  • Magnesium aspartate
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Magnesium malate
  • Magnesium taurate
  • Magnesium bisglycinate

However, other factors — such as your genes and whether you have a deficiency — may also influence absorption. Check with your nutritionist which is the best option for you.

In summary, Magnesium is crucial for the good functioning of your body, try to get as much as you can from foods that are rich in it and if you believe you are still deficient, speak with a nutritionist and have it tested. Should your suspicious be confirmed, you will have to be supplemented with the form which would be best absorbed by your body, this is the safer road.

That’s all for now!



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Photo author: John Vid | Thanks: Unsplash

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