Nowadays people are more than ever interested in their health and fitness, especially with working out. There is a lot of common knowledge on health, and fitness and researchers are finding ever more ways to improve upon our fitness knowledge. So in recent years, researchers have shifted their focus from what we should eat to when we should eat. There have been claims of increased muscle growth, fat loss, and increased sports performance solely based on when you should eat. So is this true?
According to the research and studies, this is can be true for endurance athletes or elite athletes but not necessarily for the average person.
The period which follows the workouts (called anabolic window) seems to be crucial for nutrient intake to replace glycogen (glucose stored in the body) in the muscle lost during the exercise. In reality, most people don’t need to replenish their carb or protein right away. It is more important to focus on what you eat in the pre work out phase. However, studies are inconclusive as to what is best to eat at this phase.
Further research is needed on this subject, I’m afraid, what is sure is that to see results and feel better you need to eat a balanced diet with food quality and adequate daily calories. So, unless you are an elite athlete, don’t rush after a workout to eat, you have plenty of time to get the nutrients, lost during exercises to be replaced.
These are the foods should we consume to ensure a well-balanced intake of carbohydrates, protein, and fats to stay fit and active at the same time:
Complex carbs:
Important rules:
- Drink plenty of water: while working out you sweat, you lose a lot of water, and it’s essential to replace it so you do not become dehydrated. Water helps to flush out toxins, and it’s essential for the joints.
- Eat lean protein with each meal: it stimulates your metabolism, reduces body fat, builds lean mass, and helps improve recovery.
- Watch your carbs intake: Eat non-fruit and non-vegetables carbs before and after exercise as it’s the best time to optimize the body’s carbohydrate tolerance.
- Consume oily fish: improves body composition and protects from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more.
- Sleep like a baby: remember muscles grow when we sleep.
That’s all for today!!
P.S. Book a free consultation with me at to find out how I can help you.
Author photo: Taryn Elliott | Thanks to: Pexels
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